目前分類:Sharepoint (4)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

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minglight 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Step1. 複製Mail list from sendTo....to Notepad++
Will get a string like this
XX, XX X<xxx.xxxx@intel.com>
Step2. 操作Notepad++
在Notepad++按下 [Ctrl+F] ,在介面左下方選取用類型表式(E)
在尋找目標欄位中放入 >;[A-Za-z,'\s]+<
取代成  ;
去頭去尾之後就是Email List了


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Parameter Value
HttpHost URL of the Web server.
Language LCID of the language used on the site, for example 1033 for an English-language site.
ImagesPath URL of the images path, in the context of the current Web site, for example: http://server/sites/test/_layouts/images/
HttpPath URL of the path to the appropriate owssvr.dll file in the context of the current Web site. For example, http://server/sites/test/_vti_bin/owssvr.dll?CS=109, where CS=109 means that the UTF-8 character set is used for all communication to owssvr.dll.
HttpVDir Root directory of the current subsite. For example, for the page http://server/sites/test/default.aspx, the value is http://server/sites/test/.
PageUrl The URL of the currently requested page. For example, http://server/sites/test/default.aspx.
Project The site-relative URL of the root folder of a list, if the current page request is in the context of a list. This is the name of the folder that contains all the files used in working with the list, for example, Lists/Announcements.
View {GUID}. If the Web Part is a view of a list, this is the view identifier.
ListProperty_TemplateUrl When the current page request is in the context of a list, and the list is a document library, this is the URL of the template document for this document library.
ListUrlDir_FALSE When the current page request is in the context of a list, this is the complete URL to the root folder of the list, for example, http://server/sites/test/Lists/Announcements.
ListUrlDir_TRUE When the current page request is in the context of a list, this is the site-relative URL of the root folder of the list. (This is the same as parameter Project).
URL_New, URL_NEW When the current page request is in the context of a list, this is the URL to the page for creating a new item in the list (newform).
URL_Edit, URL_EDIT When the current page request is in the context of a list, this is the URL to the page for editing an existing item in the list (editform).
URL_Display,URL_DISPLAY When the current page request is in the context of a list, this is the URL to the page containing the default vi




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